Category: Level 0 Beginners all posts for beginners starting at level 0
ODI Studio Connection Setup: The easy method
The first time a user launches the ODI Studio they will be prompted or required to set up the initial connection to the Master and Work repositories. This connection information is stored in each user profile. So each user that wishes to log into the ODI Studio console will have to perform this action. To……
Download, install and configure Smart View
Here is an easy one. So you were told you have to start using Smart View: instead of using the old Essbase Excel add-in or because your company chose to use Essbase, Planning, HFM… for all their EPM needs. Either way, you’ll have to download, install and configure Smart View. You can download Smartview directly from the Oracle……
Hyperion Planning Dimension Updates
Starting with version, Hyperion Planning rolled out some cool new functionality for dimension (and data) updates to your planning applications. The idea is to make it really easy to update your dimensions without using ODI, the Outline Load Utility, the Planning Admin Extension for Smart View or manually. We’ll look at the Planning extension……
DRM Console – Access Denied
Thought I’d serve up a quick tip today on the DRM Configuration Console. Once in a while, you will come across an environment where you are unable to restart the DRM service even though you have administrator rights on the machine. I ran into this “access denied” error the other day and this is the……
Blank Hyperion Workspace Homepage
Sometimes when connecting to Workspace, you will get a message saying the start up document couldn’t load, resulting in a blank Hyperion Workspace homepage. This is because most of the time users have not been granted access to the location where the homepage is stored or sometimes it’s because the homepage file is simply gone, deleted by mistake.……
Oracle DRM Installation Guide
So, to kick things off, I thought I would start off with a simple post on how to install DRM This will be part 1 of a 2 part series. To start off with, let’s make sure we have the prerequisites ready. Installation Prerequisites Windows 2008 R2 server IIS (Internet Information Services) turned on……
all posts for beginners starting at level 0
ODI Studio Connection Setup: The easy method

The first time a user launches the ODI Studio they will be prompted or required to set up the initial connection to the Master and Work repositories. This connection information is stored in each user profile. So each user that wishes to log into the ODI Studio console will have to perform this action. To……
Download, install and configure Smart View

Here is an easy one. So you were told you have to start using Smart View: instead of using the old Essbase Excel add-in or because your company chose to use Essbase, Planning, HFM… for all their EPM needs. Either way, you’ll have to download, install and configure Smart View. You can download Smartview directly from the Oracle……
Hyperion Planning Dimension Updates

Starting with version, Hyperion Planning rolled out some cool new functionality for dimension (and data) updates to your planning applications. The idea is to make it really easy to update your dimensions without using ODI, the Outline Load Utility, the Planning Admin Extension for Smart View or manually. We’ll look at the Planning extension……
DRM Console – Access Denied

Thought I’d serve up a quick tip today on the DRM Configuration Console. Once in a while, you will come across an environment where you are unable to restart the DRM service even though you have administrator rights on the machine. I ran into this “access denied” error the other day and this is the……
Blank Hyperion Workspace Homepage

Sometimes when connecting to Workspace, you will get a message saying the start up document couldn’t load, resulting in a blank Hyperion Workspace homepage. This is because most of the time users have not been granted access to the location where the homepage is stored or sometimes it’s because the homepage file is simply gone, deleted by mistake.……
Oracle DRM Installation Guide

So, to kick things off, I thought I would start off with a simple post on how to install DRM This will be part 1 of a 2 part series. To start off with, let’s make sure we have the prerequisites ready. Installation Prerequisites Windows 2008 R2 server IIS (Internet Information Services) turned on……