Essbase Warning 1002023? Check your Config File

The other day I was running MaxL scripts on some Essbase applications at a client. In the corresponding MaxL logs generated by data load statements, I noticed the following warning being generated. I noticed that every data load and dim build was generating this same warning. WARNING – 1002023 – No message for message #1002023……

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Reduce size of Runtime Prompts in Hyperion Planning applications

Hyperion planning users sometimes, when running a business rule that require some kind of selection through a runtime prompts window will complain that the OK and Cancel button are not displayed on their screen, as seen below. The runtime prompt window is too big for their screen resolution, so those buttons don’t show up and users……

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DRM Errata Close Version

Here’s a quick little post on some errata in the DRM documentation. I was recently looking at setting up a process to unload versions as part of my automation scripts. I was using regular batch utility execution, instead of the configuration file method (see here). According to the documentation, the way to do this is:……

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Planning PasswordEncryption utility

It’s been a few months since my last post. In this post, I will detail the step (in Windows and Unix) to encrypt a password (using the PasswordEncryption utility) in order to use it with planning utilities, like for example the outline utility. This post will be the first one of a series that will end on with loading……

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