OAC Backups Failing

One of the issues that can crop up with customer-managed OAC instances, is backups failing. I ran into this recently on of our instances. This wasn’t just affecting backups, but also patches. As you know, patches need to be applied by ourselves on customer-managed instances of OAC. So, it becomes frustrating when patching fails. The……

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Using Groovy Scripts on Essbase Cloud

Continuing on with my love-fest on Essbase Cloud, I wanted to explore another little trick that the nice folks at Oracle have shipped with OAC. Specifically, the ability to run Groovy scripts from Essbase Cloud. The first clue that this is possible, comes from the “Jobs” tab. Well that’s great, but how do we get……

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Essbase Cloud Features II

Carrying on in our series about new features on Essbase Cloud, I wanted to take a look at some of the other features that are now available in the so-called Modern interface. Specifically, the “Analyze” and “Inspect” features. First off, if you wanted to toggle between the “Classic” (not sure why you would want to,……

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Essbase Cloud Features I

That took a while!! Sorry for not posting sooner, but I’d been distracted with KScope for the last couple of months. We had 2 presentations (you can find the content here and here), and it was a blast. I thought today, I’d come up with a short post, introducing some cool new functionality that is……

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