Enterprise Data Management (EDM) REST API Requests I

Today, I thought we’d look at a new series which covers the Enterprise Data Management REST APIs. There is always a need to integrate with master data management tools like Enterprise Data Management (EDM), and so far, “EPM Automate” does not offer all the full-blown functionalities that REST does, in my perspective. I am sure……

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PBCS ePBCS Update – September 2019 – What’s new?

Last week, Test pods have been gifted with the latest PBCS update. Let’s see what September 2019 brings to PBCS. Welcomed new features: Data Management: Drilling down from Summary members. Before this update drill through via Data Management only supported drill through at level 0. Apparently now we can drill from summary members and Drill is limited……

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Using Groovy Scripts on Essbase Cloud

Continuing on with my love-fest on Essbase Cloud, I wanted to explore another little trick that the nice folks at Oracle have shipped with OAC. Specifically, the ability to run Groovy scripts from Essbase Cloud. The first clue that this is possible, comes from the “Jobs” tab. Well that’s great, but how do we get……

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Essbase Cloud CLI on Macs

After a bit of a break, I thought I’d change track on some of the things I’ve been posting about recently, and look at some of the functionality offered by Essbase Cloud. Specifically, as it relates to working with the Essbase Command Line Interface (CLI). There are many excellent examples on using this tool on……

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Workflow Task Calculate Name and Calculate Parent features

DRM (Data Relationship Management) version brings some new features to DRG, specifically to the workflow tasks and in this post we will talk about the Calculate Name and Calculate Parent features. (Hopefully, a Calculate Description option will be added in a future release) Before I start, I just want to mention that I had not personally used……

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Reduce size of Runtime Prompts in Hyperion Planning applications

Hyperion planning users sometimes, when running a business rule that require some kind of selection through a runtime prompts window will complain that the OK and Cancel button are not displayed on their screen, as seen below. The runtime prompt window is too big for their screen resolution, so those buttons don’t show up and users……

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Hyperion Planning Dimension Updates

Starting with version, Hyperion Planning rolled out some cool new functionality for dimension (and data) updates to your planning applications. The idea is to make it really easy to update your dimensions without using ODI, the Outline Load Utility, the Planning Admin Extension for Smart View or manually. We’ll look at the Planning extension……

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Don’t forget the WORKERTHREADS!

Beginning in Essbase, there is a new configuration setting that should not be forgotten – “WORKERTHREADS”. Why is this configuration setting important you may ask. Previously, Essbase operations that could run in parallel (calculations, data loads etc) used dynamically created threads for their work. Administrators need not bother setting thread pools or assigning threads.……

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Oracle Tool for Comparison of EPM Versions

Every wondered if there was a simple way to compare your current EPM version with a planned version upgrade. Some way to see all the cool new features that would come with the new version. Thankfully Oracle has a great online tool that provides a cumulative feature overview between EPM application versions. The tool can……

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