Setting aside aspirations to become a professional bass fisherman or race car driver, Pete Strayer instead opted for the glorious career as an EPM consultant. When he’s not making his dad’s secret sloppy joe recipe, you’ll likely find him creating some MDX calculations or exploring new possibilities with Oracle Data Integrator. An Arizona native, Pete’s hobbies include eating (especially pizza or Mexican food), fast cars, HPDE events (google it) and spending time with his family.

Fun with Oracle DRM and JavaScript

Episode 1: PropDefObject Good day all! I thought I would start a new blog series detailing the different (Oracle DRM) Data Relationship Objects and how to work with them using the newer JavaScript option available for derived property types. In this first episode, we will look at the PropDefObject object since I recently worked with……

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Oracle DRM, External Lookup Properties and Filtered Lists

Have you ever created a list-type property in DRM and wished you could contextually filter the list? Do you have a DRG Workflow model that includes a property update that you wish you could restrict users from selecting an inappropriate entry? In this post, we’ll discover the use of external lookups that leverage the selected……

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Part 1: Essbase and Hyperion Planning Outside-the-box

Welcome to Part 1 of a multi-part series detailing the creation of some out-of-the-ordinary processes leveraging Hyperion Planning command-line utilities, new (and old) Essbase CDFs and Hyperion Planning back-end repository tables. In this series, we will look at a requirement that arose at a recent client requiring the ability to update security within a Planning……

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Super-size me! ODI Variables and long string values (ORA-12899/ODI-1228 errors)

I often use Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) for automation and ETL processes in the EPM projects I help deliver. ODI is a wonderfully flexible and powerful tool that works incredibly well out of the box. But there are some little tweaks to ODI that I find necessary to resolve some occasional hiccups I encounter. I……

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Hyperion Calc Manager validation versus EAS validation (RUNJAVA)

While working with the @CalcMgrExecuteMaxLScript Essbase CDF I came across some intricacies around using the RUNJAVA flavor of this CDF (RunJava com.hyperion.calcmgr.common.cdf.MaxLScriptFunction). I was developing some calc scripts in EAS with the intention of converting them to Calc Manager calculation rules for use with Hyperion Planning. I find the script editor in Calculation Manager to……

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Issue with Shell Escape and @CalcMgrExecuteMaxLScript

Thought I’d post a little tip that could prove useful to others that are looking to use the @CalcMgrExecuteEncryptMaxLFile and @CalcMgrExecuteMaxLScript Essbase functions (CDFs). I often find the ‘shell’ command that is available with MaxL scripting to be very useful. According to the Oracle technical documents the ‘shell’ or ‘Shell Escape’ allows the user to……

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Using escape character (\) to retain quotes in Essbase dim builds

Hello fellow Essbasers, I thought I’d pass on a little tip for an issue you may come across when creating an Essbase dimensional build. Occasionally you may need to build outline members that require quotes in one of the dimensional build fields (typically involving member formulas). Let’s take the following source data as an example.……

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Essbase Warning 1002023? Check your Config File

The other day I was running MaxL scripts on some Essbase applications at a client. In the corresponding MaxL logs generated by data load statements, I noticed the following warning being generated. I noticed that every data load and dim build was generating this same warning. WARNING – 1002023 – No message for message #1002023……

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Oracle DRM Application Not Starting (DRM-61003 and ORA-12514 errors)

A few weeks back I was looking to install Oracle Data Relationship Management (DRM) on a virtual machine for some testing. I fired up my trusty Windows 2008 server VM and went to work installing Oracle DRM using the installation instructions found on this very blog (written by the magnificent Vijay Kurian no less). The software……

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Changing the Plan Type for Hyperion Planning Webforms

You may find yourself needing to change the plan type that a Hyperion Planning webform references and wondering “How do I do that?”. Hyperion Planning will not allow a change to the plan type for an existing webform from the Planning web interface. The following steps will demonstrate how to do it leveraging the Hyperion Life……

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Fixing the new Essbase FIXPARALLEL calculation command

Recently, Oracle released a fantastic new calculation command in the patch set – the FIXPARALLEL calculation command (click here for details of this command).  Expanding the horizon of ways that Essbase developers can perform multi-threaded calculations. I recently finished a project at client that had some stellar Exalytics machines chock full of CPUs and……

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Don’t forget the WORKERTHREADS!

Beginning in Essbase, there is a new configuration setting that should not be forgotten – “WORKERTHREADS”. Why is this configuration setting important you may ask. Previously, Essbase operations that could run in parallel (calculations, data loads etc) used dynamically created threads for their work. Administrators need not bother setting thread pools or assigning threads.……

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